
Russia's Progress cargo ship launches to ISS

Russia's Progress cargo ship launches to ISS

A Soyuz-2.1a carrier rocket with the Progress MS-27 resupply ship has blasted off from the Baikonur cosmodrome towards the International Space Station (ISS). In about 9 minutes, the space freighter was delivered into orbit. The flight …

Adana to host Teknofest 2024 in October

Adana to host Teknofest 2024 in October

Türkiye’s premiere technology and aviation festival Teknofest will be held in Adana on October 2-6, chairperson of the T3 board of trustees and the chairperson of Teknofest's board of directors Selçuk Bayraktar …

Roscosmos ready to extend contract with Baikonur

Roscosmos ready to extend contract with Baikonur

The developer of Russia's Proton space launchers, the Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center, and Russian state corporation Roscosmos have proposed to continue launches of Proton rockets from the …

Air leak detected onboard ISS, flight continues

Air leak detected onboard ISS, flight continues

Russian state space corporation Roscosmos reported an air leak in its segment of the International Space Station (ISS). The leak was discovered during a regular checkup carried out by the crew. Roscosmos noted that the station …

Return of Dragon spacecraft delayed

Return of Dragon spacecraft delayed

Elon Musk’s company had to postpone the return from the ISS of the Dragon spacecraft with the Axiom-3 team, among members of which is Turkish astronaut Alper Gezeravci, due to weather conditions on the Florida coast

Iran successfully launches homegrown satellite

Iran successfully launches homegrown satellite

Iran has successfully launched its Sorayya satellite into orbit, Iranian state media reported. The satellite was put into a 750 km orbit, the highest successfully reached by Iran, the reports said. The 50 kg satellite was …

Russian cosmonauts ring in New Year from ISS

Russian cosmonauts ring in New Year from ISS

Russian cosmonauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) have sent warm New Year's greetings to their compatriots, expressing support and heartfelt sentiments. Oleg Kononenko, Nikolai Chub and Konstantin Borisov, the Russian …

Iran to launch five satellites in four months

Iran to launch five satellites in four months

Iran will launch five satellites by the end of this year (March 20, 2024), Iranian Minister of Information and Communication Technology Issa Zarepour announced. According to him, two of the satellites will be launched by the …

Musk to address to International Astronautical Congress in Baku

Musk to address to International Astronautical Congress in Baku

SpaceX founder Elon Musk will speak online at the 74th International Astronautical Congress, which is taking place in Baku these days, the Azerbaijani Ministry of Digital Development and Transport said. Elon Musk will join the event in …