Israeli Knesset pulls Armenian 'genocide' recognition from agenda

Read on the website Vestnik Kavkaza

The expected vote on recognizing the 'Armenian Genocide' was not on the Israeli Knesset’s agenda for this week as of Monday.

Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein pulled the item from the agenda to avoid an embarrassment to the Knesset, because it was unclear there would be a majority in favor. Edelstein has repeatedly voiced his support for recognition over the years, including last week.

The vote on recognizing the Armenian Genocide was set for Tuesday, after a motion to do so by Meretz chairwoman MK Tamar Zandberg was approved 16-0.

Zandberg accused Edelstein of putting politics ahead of morality, dismissing the Knesset Speaker’s words in favor of her motion.

"Holding this debate, with a historic vote to recognize, is the right thing to do. Some preferred politics to doing the right thing," Zandberg said. "The Knesset should do what it promised. This is a matter of historic justice."

Zandberg, however, said that should not be taken into consideration, the Jerusalem Post reported.