U.K. Secretary of State says what Trump should do at summit with Putin

Read on the website Vestnik Kavkaza

US President Donald Trump should demonstrate the unity of Western countries at a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, U.K. Secretary of State Jeremy Hunt said

"When the Skripals were poisoned it was a very aggressive thing to do and absolutely unacceptable, these were appalling chemicals that were used, and we've already lost one British life as a result of it. The reaction for the US was extremely robust across Europe , indeed across the world. And that is why the summit that President Trump is having with President Putin next week is very is important," Hunt said.

"The united front that we saw at NATO at the end of the summit is very important, because Vladimir Putin needs to know that the West is united and standing for what we believe in," CNBC cited the U.K. Secretary of State as saying.

The meeting between Putin and his Trump is scheduled to be held on July 16. As expected, they will discuss a number of topical issues, including the situation in Syria.