Yevgenia Svatukhina on Vesti.FM: Russia's state national policy moves to a new level

Read on the website Vestnik Kavkaza

The Federal Agency for Nationalities has developed a draft of a new version of the State Policy Strategy. The amendments were approved by the expert community. However, a detailed analysis of the new edition will be possible only after Russian President Vladimir Putin signs a decree introducing the final version of the strategy into action. Currently, among others, the question of the State National Policy’s role in Russia is the most important, analyst of Vestnik Kavkaza news agency Yevgeniya Svatukhina told Vesti FM in the National Question program.

Addressing this topic is relevant because, on the one hand, the document allows to consolidate the vast experience of living together of different peoples in one territory, and on the other hand, to introduce into the discussion field the actual problems of the national policy in our country. In addition, the fact of amendments being made allows us to come to some conclusions and set new tasks in this area, the expert said.

At the same time, according to the expert, despite the document’s “importance and breadth of the problem field”, the format of the strategy itself is limited by the goals and mechanisms for their implementation, and therefore does not imply any global answer to all questions of modern society, but rather set some kind of a humanitarian standard.

The employee of Vestnik Kavkaza drew attention to the fact that among the most important threats that the Strategy is designed to counter is international terrorism and extremism. "These threats are relevant not only to Russia, but to the entire world community, and the Strategy makes it possible to share the vast Russian experience of the national construction with the global community.”

"Thus, the Strategy as a document is a kind of system including basic priorities in the implementation of the state national policy. It has a considerable degree of flexibility that allows solving actual problems in modern multinational Russia,” Yevgeniya Svatukhina concluded.