Macron warns Trump of need to prevent re-emergence of ISIS

Read on the website Vestnik Kavkaza

French President Emmanuel Macron made clear to U.S. President Donald Trump "the absolute necessity to prevent a re-emergence" of ISIS (the terrorist group banned in Russia), after the U.S. pulled its troops out of northern Syria

Macron warned, in a telephone call on October 14, that the troop pullout and Turkey's subsequent offensive against Kurds in the region increased the threat of an ISIS resurgence, the presidential palace said.

The French leader also held talks with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Iraqi counterpart President Barham Saleh, the AFP reported.

On October 9, Erdogan announced the launch of Operation Peace Spring in northern Syria, which began with airstrikes on Kurdish positions. The operation’s goal is to create a buffer zone along the Turkish border, where, according to Ankara, Syrian refugees residing in Turkey could return.