Capture of Fizuli designates complete fiasco of Armenian Armed Forces

Read on the website Vestnik Kavkaza

Today, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev announced the de-occupation of the city of Fizuli and several other settlements from the Armenian Armed Forces.

On the one hand, the Azerbaijani army could have taken Fuzuli 15 days ago - and then heroically defend it from artillery shelling from the western heights. The city is located in a gorge connecting the Karabakh plateau surrounded by mountains with the lower Karabakh plain. The local strategic road Horadiz-Qirimizi Bazaar runs along this gorge.

The Azerbaijani Armed Forces acted differently: via Jabrayil and Hadrut, they captured Fizuli from the mountains and through heights at the Khojavend (Martuni) side. Thus they managed not only to capture Fizuli but also to open a strategic highway to the Qirmizi Bazaar - the Karabakh plateau, the rear of Aghdam and Askeran and the fork junction of the Shusha-Khankendi-Lachin roads. In fact, this is a harbinger of a fiasco that awaits the occupying army of Armenia in the coming days.

That is why Yerevan is acting utterly inhumanly, trying to provoke Azerbaijan to attack Yerevan. The Armenian leadership is sure that this is the correct tactical decision in the hopeless situation they found themselves: the alleged 5,000 or 6,000 killed Yerevan residents will be a saving straw for their drowning army.

The Armenian authorities are trying to save their army with all brutal means because the loss of it means an inevitable and final defeat. And the losses among the population of Yerevan for the political leadership of the country is no more than heartbreaking music on the duduk, mini-Tsitsernakaberd and the sympathy of compassionate people from all over the world.

It becomes impossible not to feel sorry for Armenia’s citizens. The authorities of this country are guided by a logic that is completely alien to their real but not inflicted aspirations.

Recall that Armenia launched an attack on Azerbaijan on Sunday, September 27,  at about 5:00 Moscow time. To suppress the shelling and ensure the safety of the civilian population, the Azerbaijani army launched a counter-offensive operation, destroying the enemy's military equipment, military infrastructure and manpower. To date, the city of Jebrail and most of the Jebrail region, the city of Hadrut in the Khojavend region, more than half of the Fizuli region in the south, the strategically important Murovdag mountain and the so-called sixth fortified area around the village of Sugovushan in the north were unoccupied. In response, Armenia launched missile attacks on Ganja and Mingachevir, the Khizi and Absheron regions of Azerbaijan, located far away from the frontline. Currently, a ceasefire regime is in operation in Nagorno-Karabakh, but local battles and shelling of Azerbaijani settlements continue.