Azerbaijani roads named best among CIS countries

Read on the website Vestnik Kavkaza

Azerbaijan is ranked 27th for the quality of roads infrastructure among 141 countries, gaining 5.2 points, in the Global Competitiveness Report 2019 published by the World Economic Forum (WEF).

WEF ranked 141 countries based on World Opinion Survey (2017–2018) recording the quality experience (extensiveness and condition) of road infrastructure on a scale of 1 to 7.

The average value for Azerbaijan during the period from 2006 to 2019 was 4.08 points with a minimum of 3.32 points in 2006 and a maximum of 5.2 points in 2019.

For comparison, the world average in 2019 based on 141 countries is 4.07 points.