Extent to which investment in Russia decline in 2020 announced
Read on the website Vestnik Kavkaza
Investments in the Russian economy last year declined by only 4.3%, Minister of Russian Economic Development Maxim Reshetnikov said during the "Government Hour" at the State Duma.
"We also managed to achieve substantial support for investments. We estimate their reduction at 4.3%, and this is also a good result in the current environment," the Ministry of Economic Development cited him as saying.
The minister also noted that the contribution of anti-crisis support measures to GDP growth amounted to 2.5% as a result, that is, if these measures were not taken, the economic recession would have exceeded 5.5%, instead of 3.1%.
Reshetnikov clarified that manufacturing activity exceeded the previous year's numbers, the growth rate of agricultural production was 1.5%, and the construction sector has recovered.