Russians ready for prolonged May holidays

Read on the website Vestnik Kavkaza

© Photo: Maria Novoselova / Vestnik Kavkaza

Most Russians are ready for the New Year holidays to be replaced by the prolonged May holidays. The advantages of a long weekend in May are good weather and the opportunity to go to the country.

According to a survey, 55% of Russians consider it a good idea to shift the long weekend from the New Year holidays to May.

Such a decision would be perceived “rather positively” by 55% of respondents, the Public Opinion Foundation reports.

Citizens would prefer a long vacation in May because of the opportunity to go to the dachas, good weather and gardening.

”23% of respondents are not happy with the proposal, since they are "satisfied with the way it is now”, 

- the survey data shows.

1,500 Russians took part in the survey. The survey was conducted door-to-door on April 21-23.