Russian Foreign Ministry urges Armenia keep out of quarrel with Russia

Read on the website Vestnik Kavkaza

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova called on the Armenian leadership not to make Russia an enemy, as well as urged to avoid making sharp observations against Moscow.

In the first place, Maria Zakharova emphasized that Nikol Pashinyan’s regime is trying to find Russia’s fault in the independent decisions it has made on the Armenian-Azerbaijani settlement. First of all, the diplomat explained, it is about Pashinyan’s recognition of Azerbaijan’s sovereignty over the Karabakh economic region, which, judging by the latest actions and statements of the Armenian authorities, they now seem to regret.

"There is no need to blame and place the responsibility on Russia for the decisions made in Yerevan. There is no need to look for an enemy in the face of Russia. Russia has never been Armenia's enemy and never will be; it will never happen,” Zakharova said.

Last week, Armenian Ambassador Vagharshak Harutyunyan was summoned to the the Russian Foreign Ministry over a number of unfriendly steps and statements of the Armenian leadership. According to Zakharova, the main reason for Moscow’s harsh reaction was the substitution of concepts.

"We don't even pay so much attention to the tone and personal insults, but to the inaccuracy underlying the statements. They were based on a fabrication or an attempt to distort the facts. And that is why the ambassador was summoned to the foreign ministry," Zakharova said.

She noted that if the Russian government responds to the daily rude expressions addressed to them, they can no longer work, but only write protest notes, it is not their style to respond to that rudeness.

"We are beyond these daily arguments and react only in cases when concepts of fundamental importance are falsified," Zakharova said.

The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry told RIA Novosti that the search for those responsible could have extremely negative consequences for Yerevan.

"Because it can lead to disastrous consequences, which is dangerous for Armenia,” Zakharova said.