Georgian president impeachment process: Zurabichvili refuses to resign

Read on the website Vestnik Kavkaza

Georgian President Salome Zurabichvili shows no intention to resign even though the Constitutional Court has found she is in breach of the Constitution.

"I am not going anywhere. I am not resigning. I will stay where I am, where I have belonged throughout my life. I came here [from France] and stayed here for the sake of fighting for the European future of our country and democracy," Zurabishvili said.

Speaking about the Constitutional Court’s ruling to the effect her foreign visits without the government's consent were unconstitutional, Zurabishvili said that she felt greatly upset and the judges should be ashamed of having produced such a verdict. Zourabichvili is going to attend the session of parliament when the impeachment motion will be voted on.

The Constitutional Court upheld the impeachment motion, its decision will now be put to the vote in parliament. Parliamentary Speaker Shalva Papuashvili said earlier the voting was due by the end of this week.