Head of Central Election Commission re-elected in Georgia

Read on the website Vestnik Kavkaza

© Photo: website of the Parliament of Georgia

The head of the Central Election Commission of Georgia will continue to perform his duties for the next 5 years. Today, his candidacy was supported by the majority of parliamentarians.

Deputies of the Georgian Parliament re-elected Giorgi Kalandarishvili as head of the Central Election Commission. This decision was made at a parliamentary meeting held on April 30.

85 deputies voted for the current head of the Central Election Commission, 16 were against. He will hold this position for the next five years.

In February this year, amendments to the electoral code were adopted in Georgia, according to which, in order to be elected head of the Central Election Commission, it is necessary to obtain the support of 90 parliamentarians out of 150. If none of the candidates receives the necessary number of votes, a repeat voting is taking place. In the repeat voting, it is enough to get 76 votes to be elected.