Georgia accuses U.S. of blackmail

Read on the website Vestnik Kavkaza

The ruling Georgian Dream party said upgrading the country’s relations with the United States was “completely up to correct actions of the American side”.

"Upgrading the Georgia-U.S. relations is completely up to correct actions of the American side. And this calls for showing respect for the Georgian state and the Georgian people, instead of making promises with more than ambiguous prospects and turning to insulting blackmail”, the statement reads.

The party listed actions it said “would have been expected” to be taken by its American partners to “show a decent attitude towards Georgia”.

According to the party the U.S. would have “ensured behavioural change among NGOs, namely putting an end to their policy of non-recognition of the legitimacy of the Georgian Government, and brushing aside their revolutionary plans”.

“Unfortunately, some American politicians and officials continue making a mistake after mistake, and employ the language of blackmail in communication with Georgia”, the ruling party said.