Pashinyan says withdrawing from CSTO is logical step for Armenia

Read on the website Vestnik Kavkaza

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan believes Armenia's withdrawal from the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) would be the next logical step in its relations with the CSTO.

Thus, the Armenian leader confirmed the statement he made yesterday about Armenia’s readiness to withdraw from the CSTO.

According to the PM, the timeframe for Armenia's withdrawal has not been defined yet. When this happens, Yerean will decide for itself, he said.

Moreover, Pashinyan said today that he or any other official representative of Armenia will never go to Belarus again, as long as President Alexander Lukashenko is there.

As for Armenia's membership in the CSTO, Pashinyan said it is possible if Belarus leaves the CSTO or the president of Belarus finds words of apology.