Media: Iran to strike Israel within 24 hours

Read on the website Vestnik Kavkaza

According to Fox News, Israel could be subject to an attack from Iran in less than 24 hours. The TV channel cites its own sources in the regional government.

According to them, the moment of the strike is approaching. The sources did not specify how exactly the attack would be carried out.

Let us remind you that Tehran has promised to give a tough response to the death of the Chief of the Politburo of the radical political movement Hamas. Ismail Haniyeh was assassinated in Tehran on July 31. The IRI considers Israel guilty of this act. Tel Aviv does not officially comment on these accusations.

It should be noted that among the possible dates for the strike, sources previously named the Jewish memorial date Tisha B'Av, or the 9th day of Av, which is considered the day of mourning in Israel. According to the Jewish calendar, this date begins tonight, at approximately 9:00 p.m. (Moscow time).