Türkiye becomes main autumn holiday destination

Read on the website Vestnik Kavkaza

This autumn, Russians most often choose holidays abroad, and the main foreign destination is Türkiye, ATOR reports.

In September-October, in Russia sales of tours to other countries increased by an average of 35% compared to last year's data. Foreign holidays in the autumn turned out to be even more popular than summer holidays. The most popular destination is Türkiye, accounting for 60% of all holiday bookings in September and the first half of October. Egypt with 14% of bookings and the UAE with 8% took second and third place, respectively.

Demand for tours to Türkiye at the beginning of autumn increased by 7–15%. The average price increased by 11–14% since last year.

According to market data, the average cost of an 8-night all-inclusive holiday for two in Türkiye is 230 thousand rubles. In the second half of autumn, trips to the country will become more affordable.