High turnout secures validity of elections in Uzbekistan

Read on the website Vestnik Kavkaza

The Central Election Commission of Uzbekistan recognized the elections to the legislative (lower) chamber of the Oliy Majlis (parliament) of the country valid with the voter turnout reaching 47.62% before midday, Deputy Chairman of the Central Election Commission of the country Bakhrom Kuchkarov announced at a briefing.

"As of 13:00 (11:00 Moscow time), 9,498,589 voters, or 47.62% of the total list, have come to the polling stations",

Bakhrom Kuchkarov said.

In accordance with the country's Electoral Code, at least 33% of voter participation is required for the elections to be recognized as valid, Podrobno.uz reminds.

The results of the vote in the country will be known today, while the results from foreign polling stations will be announced tomorrow, October 28.