Grozny with Military Glory

Read on the website Vestnik Kavkaza

Timur Utsoyev, Grozny. Exclusively to VK

In July 1942 the battle between Nazi Germany and the Red Army for the Caucasus began. It ended on October 9, 1943. It was a battle for Grozny and Baku oil – the important resource able to change the war. At the meeting in Grozny on August 26, 1942, young people swore to stop the enemy and clear the Caucasus of occupants. When Nazi’s plans failed, Hitler troops decided to destroy the Grozny industry and oil resources. Since October 10, 1942, Grozny suffered from mass bombings, the city was on fire. Today the republican authorities suggest Grozny’s awarding with the title of Military Glory City in memory of defenders. Representatives of the presidential administration of Russia came to Chechnya to examine the city. Historians and experts on the developments:

Islam Musayev, Head of Ethnic Policy Department of the Chechen Ministry of Foreign Relations, Ethnic Policy, Press and Information

In summer 2012 it is the 70th anniversary of the battle for the Caucasus. Great importance was given to the German plans on occupation of the Caucasus and oil Grozny. Hitler said that if he couldn’t occupy Grozny, he would have to stop the war. Due to courage of the Red Army soldiers, eagerness of homefront workers, these plans didn’t come true. Grozny stayed free from the Nazi boot, and the deed of Grozny residents was one of parts of victory over occupants in the Caucasus. The front journalist of Komsomolskaya Pravda, Anatoly Kalinin, who visited Grozny in 1942 in his essay “Sparks in Grozny” wrote: “Grozny was called a near-front city… Crowds came to military enlistment offices: with call-up papers, willingly, with dictates of heart. Men and women, young people and old veterans came… The youth and the old, Russians, Chechens, Ingushs defended oil Grozny. The spirit of Sevastopol and Stalingrad was above us…”

Dukuvakha Abdurakhmanov, chairman of the Chechen parliament

Thousands of people were on fortified positions close to Grozny. Thousands of people were awarded with military state awards. The battle for Grozny and later for Baku was in the Caucasus front. Not only Chechens and Ingushs fought for the city, but all residents of Grozny, representatives of decades of nations did it, many of them lost their lives, but protected the city. Considering the fact that in the Soviet period Grozny was the second to gain the Order of Wartime Red Banner and there would be no victory without Grozny, the city must be awarded with the title of Military Glory. The parliamentary association of the South of Russia and the North Caucasus appealed to President of the country to settle the issue. This is the issue of historic truth. If Grozny would have no this title, we should recognize military awards of thousands of people who protected the city invalid.

Mulsim Khuchoyev, Grozny’s mayor

Nobody doubts on military and working achievements of the city during the Great Patriotic War. Grozny proved that working deeds exist even today by its life and rebuilding 70 and 7 years ago. Cautious and respectful attitude to veterans will increase, and the growing generation will be raised on the principle. Today we understand that we owe to veterans for our peaceful life, and we have to respect and remember them not only in words, but also in acts.

To be continued