Sanctions of EU narrow possibilities of dialogue with Russia, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs says

Read on the website Vestnik Kavkaza


The sanctions of the European Union considerably narrow opportunities for its dialogue with Russia, and Moscow doesn't have another exit, except to take additional measures to protect Russian interests, the Russian Foreign Ministry stated following the results of a meeting of the secretary of state and deputy minister of foreign affairs of Russia, Grigory Karasin, with the head of the EU Delegation in Moscow, Vigaudas Ushatskas.As "Vestnik Kavkaza" reported earlier, on September 12 the EU published the list of the Russian companies and the citizens who come under the latest, fourth wave of sanctions. First of all it is a question of such giants of production and transportation of hydrocarbons as "Rosneft", "Gazpromneft" and "Transneft", and also the defense concerns "Uralvagonzavod", "Oboronprom" and United Aircraft Corporation.


The sanctions of the European Union considerably narrow opportunities for its dialogue with Russia, and Moscow doesn't have another exit, except to take additional measures to protect Russian interests, the Russian Foreign Ministry stated following the results of a meeting of the secretary of state and deputy minister of foreign affairs of Russia, Grigory Karasin, with the head of the EU Delegation in Moscow, Vigaudas Ushatskas.


As "Vestnik Kavkaza" reported earlier, on September 12 the EU published the list of the Russian companies and the citizens who come under the latest, fourth wave of sanctions. First of all it is a question of such giants of production and transportation of hydrocarbons as "Rosneft", "Gazpromneft" and "Transneft", and also the defense concerns "Uralvagonzavod", "Oboronprom" and United Aircraft Corporation.