Project Syndicate: "The next president of US to reconsider the country’s strategy, taking into account the interests of Russia"

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The international analytical publication Project Syndicate writes about the success of Russia in the Middle East. Despite the ambiguous policy of the United States, Russia was able to return to the center of the geopolitical events in the world. The US leadership hoped that Russian intervention would lead to a large-scale civil war in Syria, but was forced to admit defeat, as due to the efforts of the Kremlin, the position of the Syrian state improved significantly.

The US and Europe failed in an attempt to establish control on the key issues of the Middle East due to their short-sighted policy and they conceded to Russia. Covering their true interests by the fight against Islamic State, the United States failed to achieve any success during two years, which the Russian leadership was able to achieve in a few months of active air strikes on the positions of the Islamists. Despite the pessimistic forecasts by international analysts, Russia's actions have brought results: a truce was reached in Syria, and the government is preparing for elections.

The Kremlin has offered one of the most effective scenarios for the future of Syria: federalization. Indeed, territorial division on the basis of federalization principles can become the basis for a sustainable future of the SAR. In this case, Assad’s government would be able to control the territory in the west, north and south, and a Syrian-Kurdish autonomous region can be created in the north-east of the country.

Russia is making every effort to stabilize the situation in the Middle East. In addition, Iran and Saudi Arabia contribute a lot in establishing peace in the region. But even if a political settlement does not happen in the near future, Russia's military operation has already saved the Syrian government from defeat to the Islamic terrorists. Thus, Moscow has managed to consolidate its position in the Middle East and bring back its leading position in the world. The top leaders of the region seek partnership with Russia, which creates a serious geopolitical challenge to the United States. It is obvious that the next US president will reconsider the country’s strategy, taking into account the interests of Russia.

The US edition Business Insider writes that investors are returning to Russia. After two years of economic contradictions and attempts to isolate the country, investors are interested again in the development of partnership relations with Moscow. Rising oil prices and the ruble are spurring the interest of international companies in relation to Russia.

Like other emerging markets, the Russian stock market shows a marked improvement compared to the beginning of the year. In spite of the economic sanctions imposed against Russia two years ago, the stabilization of oil prices gives the green light to investors. In addition, the likelihood that the anti-Russian sanctions will be lifted in the coming months is extremely high.

Russia's economy is starting to recover, thanks to the reduction in the rate of inflation, as well as to the increasing consumer confidence. The financial policy of the state, aimed at maintaining the private sector and attracting investments, also plays an important role in the recovery of the economic situation in the country.