Russians are poorly informed about situation in neighboring countries

Read on the website Vestnik Kavkaza

Belavezha Accords were signed in December of 1991, this agreement declared the Soviet Union effectively dissolved. Today, according to sociologists, 56% of Russians regret this decision was made. Meanwhile, most of newly independent states formed after the collapse of once-powerful state were able to maintain constructive relations. Among CIS member states, Belarus and Kazakhstan received the biggest sympathy and support of Russians, VCIOM data shows.

Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, doctor of Historical Sciences, Yefim Pivovar, called this survey, conducted by Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VCIOM) one of the most reliable sources for the analysis of modern situation. "Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan are the main participants of the Eurasian Economic Union, which began to develop effectively last year. If we talk about the CIS countries in general, I think multidirectional, multilevel integration processes will continue. They existed, exist and will continue to exist in difficult conditions, but integration process is a phenomenon of time. Right now, integration processes dominate in the economy and global affairs. This platform has already proved its viability. This is a very important instrument in the post-Soviet space, it has its own niche, and I think it will be in demand." 

The Belavezha Accord is the agreement that declared the Soviet Union effectively dissolved and established the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) in its place.

On 21 December 1991, the leaders of former Soviet Republics signed the Alma-Ata Protocol, which confirmed Belavezha Accords, stating that the Soviet Union is effectively dissolved and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) is established in its place.

"Alma-Ata Protocol confirmed the CIS as a subject of international law and relations. And today, 25 years later, we see successes and some difficulties, because leaders of CIS countries have repeatedly made suggestions and criticized current situation, but gradually, these integration processes are growing. CIS does not exist in some isolated space, its results and flexibility are affected by participants of other integration models that interact with the CIS model in one way or another. Some of them are formed together with Russia, some without Russia, some even against Russia. This process is very complex, and public opinion shows it."

Pivovar was surprised by the fact that Azerbaijan was only in fifth place among most stable and successful countries in this survey: "Public opinion is formed based on information provided by the media. It seems our society is poorly informed about situation in neighboring countries. Meanwhile, Russian language as a language of not only international communication, but also educational segment (from kindergarten to high school and even universities) is used in Azerbaijan not only by a large Russian-speaking community, but also by Azerbaijanis themselves. This phenomenon does not exist in any other country, other than triad - Belarus-Kazakhstan-Russia. I think it must be promoted. This was achieved by Heydar Aliyev, and this is developed today under the leadership of Ilham Aliyev." 

Pivovar also drew attention to the economic development rates in Azerbaijan: He demonstrated one of the highest rates of development up to the last major crisis, which hit all exporters of hydrocarbons." 

"However, it should be noted that this survey showed that Ilham Aliyev is popular. This is also a symbolic trend, and it is on the rise. This survey reflects the reality of global trends that are currently forming in the CIS countries and the Eurasian Union," he concluded