Armenian lobby in Europe

Armenian lobby in Europe

The European Strategic Intelligence and Security Center published an overall report The Armenian Connection: How a secret caucus of MPs and NGOs, since 2012, created a network within the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to hide violations of international law. It reveals an Armenian network in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), which provides a propaganda campaign against Azerbaijan. The report shows connections between some MPs of PACE and the Armenian lobby or Armenian organizations.

Vestnik Kavkaza has already presented the first part of the report Armenia Creates Shadow Network within Council of Europe. Today we would like to present the second part of the investigation The Armenian Connection. Chapter 2: « Mr X », Nils Muižnieks, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights.

In the second part, the ECISC reveals the identity of Mister “X”, the pivotal figure of the clandestine network. Mister “X” is the Latvian Nils Muižnieks, who for more than 5 years has been the Council of Europe’s Commissioner for Human Rights and who was an employee for Georges Soros. Elected in 2012 by the Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly, Nils Muižnieks has since been a key figure of a network that ties European PMs, Armenian officials and NGOs directly tied to or financed by the Soros Foundation, a network devoted to the millionaire and the Republic of Armenia’s interests.

Organization of the Network

Thanks to his position within the Council of Europe, MU acquired a major role within abovementioned NGOs among which are the well-known Human Rights Watch, European Stability Initiative (ESI), Amnesty International, Human Rights House, or even Open Dialog.

The graph above summarizes the NGOs’ activities linked to or finance by the Soros Foundation within the Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly for which we give details in the following spreadsheet. This intense activity has the objective of imposing on the Council of Europe as well as the European Parliament George Soros and the Armenian lobby’s political positions. The “Armenian Network” which we are analyzing aims to promulgate its positions to all the members of the Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Council and endeavors for the greatest numbers of them to join their cause. The network is particularly active in its “hunt” for PMs that represent Nordic or Baltic countries, the Netherlands and the German socialists.

The following spreadsheet shows how over the past 5 years, since Nils Muižnieks has been the Council of Europe’s Commissioner for Human Rights, the Soros-linked NGOs gained visibility by organizing several events simultaneously and in parallel to plenary sessions of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

appointed to the position of Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, NGO activity tied to the Soros Foundation was strikingly absent, a situation which quickly changed in April 2013 when their events multiplied.

The Key Members of the Network

If it is undeniable that Nils Muižnieks is spearheading the the operations of the NGOs tied to Georges Soros and that are engaged in the defense of the Republic of Armenia’s interests, he can also count on the help of previous allies, starting from the Polish Wojciech Sawicky, the Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly Secretary General.

Muižnieks and Sawicki can also rely on the unwavering support of other MPs that we introduced in our last report:

• Pieter Omtzigt

• Christoph Strässer

• Frank Schwabbe

• Tiny Kox

• René Rouquet

• François Rocheblaine

Muižnieks, Sawicki and these MPs violate with umpunity the ethical principles and codes of good conduct of the Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly by ensuring with discretion the defense of the specific interests of the Soros network and the Republic of Armenia. What’s even more is that they act in violation of international law. Regarding this, let us recall the 4 UN Security Council resolutions related to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict (822, 853, 874 and 884) that condemn the occupation of the Azeri territory and that denounce the forced displacement of Azeri populations.

Pieter Omtzigt, Christoph Strässer, Frank Schwabbe and Tiny Kox have specialized in organizing, in parallel to the plenary sessions of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly, events aimed to ensure the promotion of interests of the Soros network and to hand out good and bad ratings to Council of Europe member states. The first victims of their recurring attacks of Azerbaijan, Russia and Turkey. Needless to say, the Republic of Armenia has been preserved from criticism and presented as a “model nation.”

Even more scandalous, Nils Muižnieks himself organized on April 21, 2015, a symposium entitled “For a Europe without political prisoners – The case of Azerbaijan.” Without having to mention the grotesque character of this shameful attack, it would have been appreciated if the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights looked into the situation of the million of Azeri refugees, more than 10% of the total population, chased from their villages by the Armenian aggression. It is obvious this dramatic humanitarian issue does not interest Nils Muižnieks.

Nils Muižnieks and Pieter Omtzigt, 2 men who never cease to criticize the Republic of Azerbaijan but who have never denounced the permanent violence of the Republic of Armenia against the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan

Alexandra Stiglmayer, the second in command of the Soros network NGO “European Stability Initiative” during the same anti-Azerbaijan debate

It is also important to underline the role held by Tiny Cox, the head of the Parliamentary group “Left United”, in the symposium organized on April 21, 2015. Cox is one of the kingpins of the operation of the Soros Foundation within the Council of Europe.

Tiny Cox, a key member of the Soros network at the Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly

Nils Muižnieks did not only participate in the April 21, 2015, event. He participated in numerous debates, focusing his attacks on certain member states, specifically Azerbaijan, Russia and Turkey, including above, during an anti-Azerbaijan attack conducted alongside Christoph Strässer. Nils Muižnieks and Christoph Strässer are long-time friends and are the leaders of the Armenian network that operates with discretion within the Council of Europe. The two men participate very actively for the defense of Georges Soros’ interests and try by all means to impose a pro-Armenian rhetoric to the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly.

Nils Muižnieks and Christoph Strässer, a long-time friendship and an ideological proximity wrought by their engagement in the socialist family

Let us note that Nils Muižnieks will be reaching the end of his mandate as Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, a prestigious position that his good friend and partner Christoph Strässer dreams of. The two men surely imagine being able to pursue their operations on behalf of the Soros network and the Armenian network with Strässer replacing his good friend Muižnieks as Commissioner for Human Rights. In view of the information we released in our last report, it seems evident that Christoph Strässer does not have the worth to earn such a presitgious position, one that necessitates a complete independence from all partisan initiatives to dictate politics within the Council of Europe.

Since 2012, Nils Muižnieks and Christoph Strässer have weaved a complex network that ties NGOs and Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly members devoted to the interests of the Soros Foundation and the Republic of Armenia. These high-ranking members of the Council of Europe and of NGOs directly or financially tied to the Soros network have multiplied meetings aimed at defending the specific interests we have just presented.

On the photo above, Alecandra Stiglmayer, second in command of the ESI (left), John Dalhuisen, Director for Europe of Amnesty International, and Gerald Knaus, the Director of ESI, work together on behalf of their donor, the Soros Foundation, and of their strategy on their influence on the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly.

A few weeks after the abovementioned meeting, John Dalhuisen, the Director for Europe of Amnesty International, participated in an event organized by the socialist Frank Schwabbe, who had as unique objective to pursue a violent anti-Azerbaijan campaign by the Armenian network with the help of Georges Soros’ “men.”

Who is Nils Muižnieks?

Prior to being appointed as Commissioner for Human Rights, Nils Muižnieks was the Director of the Soros Foundation in Latvia from 1994 to 2001.

Still while working for Georges Soros, Nils Muižnieks also led from 1994 to 2002 the “Latvian Center for Human Rights,” renamed the “Latvian Center for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies.” These both private and partially state-controlled responsibilities is indicative of Georges Soros’ strategy in terms of the infiltration of State apparatus and public institutions, a reality that is clear in the following activity report of the Latvian Center for Human Rights (2000):

Below is more irrefutable proof, dating from 2002, of the financial dependency of the Latvian Center for Human Rights with regard to the Soros Foundation.

One must wonder how much funding was transferred between the Soros Foundation and the Latvian Center for Human Rights headed by Nils Muižnieks. Even more preoccupying is the silence of the current Commissioner for Human Rights who has up to now refrained from revealing his lack of independence and the inevitable conflicts of interest created by such a situation.

Nils Muižnieks’ full resume should be considered as well. The document is additional proof of the privileged relationship between the Commissioner for Human Rights and the American tycoon.

Even more worrisome is the fact that Nils Muižnieks not only maintained this narrow relationship and financial dependency with Georges Soros during his career in Latvia. Soros and he were also intertwined at the most importune moment in 2005, as he was already trying to be appointed as Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, a position he obtained in 2012 as he was still collaborating narrowly with Georges Soros as shown in the following document:

Evidently, the above-presented documents show that Nils Muižnieks worked for Georges Soros since 1994 and was still at his side during his accession to the crucial position of Commissioner for Human Rights for the Council of Europe. It goes without saying that he was elected to this prestigious poste while hiding his 20-year-old privileged relation with the American businessman to the Parliamentary Assembly. This lack of transparency completely wronged the democratic rules of his election with the aim of discretely ensuring the representation of the interests of Georges Soros and the Armenian network within the Council of Europe.

To be continued