Armenian press review for June 9-15. Politics

By Vestnik Kavkaza
Armenian press review for June 9-15. Politics

The fight against Armenian monopolies moved into the political plane

The '168 Zham' newspaper writes: "Let's assume that the authorities are sincere both in their fight against monopolies and in the matter of the Tax Code. At first glance it seems that the main problems of Armenia are in the socio-economic plane, and it would be possible to significantly change the economic situation with a few breakthrough steps. Actually, the most important problems of Armenia are in the foreign policy sphere. At the same time, whether accidentally or naturally, they are expressed by the same vicious manifestations as in economic life, in particular by monopolies. Russia has the same influence in the foreign policy of Armenia as Samvel Alexanyan has in the sugar market. Just like several importers are registered in the sugar market of Armenia for appearance, Armenia also has relations with countries other than Russia for appearance."

The government of Armenia has reduced the volume of purchases "of one person", which were carried out from a single source without tender, the 'Haykakan Zhamanak' newspaper writes. Its correspondent spoke with the head of the government apparatus, Minister David Harutyunyan, on this topic.

"In other words, we pay special attention to greatly reducing purchases 'of one person'. The exceptions are cases when purchases are of an extremely urgent nature, when weather conditions can change and so on. In each case, we try to carry out purchases in the established order," David Harutyunyan noted.

From now on, the government website does not mention major purchases carried out by ministries and government agencies that are made at prices above market ones. The press discovered these purchases and published them, which caused a public reaction, the newspaper notes.

"According to our information, the government has just decided to organize major purchases so that it would be difficult to detect them. Only quite small and unremarkable purchases are published," 'Haykakan Zhamanak' concludes.

Continuing this topic, the 'Aravot' newspaper writes: "The press strongly criticized the government for the fact that about 900 cars in the car park of government, which were previousle reduced, are older models, and most of them were not exploited, so their reduction was just for show. Some of these cars really resemble scrap metal. But even this scrap metal requires maintenance. And even if it doesn't require it, no one will grab an official by the hand over the fact that he allocates money on the maintenance of this scrap metal. It would be great if the government prepared and presented a certificate to the public, which would show the results of optimization in examples and specific figures."


A "worm of doubt" consumes ruling Republican Party of Armenia


A "worm of doubt", according to rumors, is consuming the consciousness of everyone in the ruling Republican Party of Armenia (RPA): No one knows whether they will remain in the political arena, or will find their "sweet spot" in the proportional list of candidates for deputies of the RPA or not, the 'Irates' newspaper writes.

"Here they are, fully ready, they are not just looking for a protégé, they find and cherish, and also try to position themselves in the field of active legislative activity, in the system of executive authority," the newspaper notes.

The ruling elite of Armenia considers the possibility of returning the 'Prosperous Armenia' Party (PAP) chairman, Gagik Tsarukyan, to the parliament, the 'Haykakan Zhamanak' newspaper writes, citing its sources.

"However, after last year's February events, Tsarukyan refused to be the chairman of the PAP, but he still remains its member.

According to our sources, he was even asked to become an MP from the RPA, but he refused. So not only can he be on the PAP's list, he can also lead it."

By the way, the authorities believe that the inclusion of Tsarukyan on the PAP's list resolves another issue – the rating of this party, which was damaged after the well-known events. The authorities believe that if in 2017 Tsarukyan must become an MP once again, and if the PAP will enter the parliament, then these two issues can be combined. Tsarukyan will become an MP, while his personality will bring a certain rating to the PAP during the elections," the newspaper notes.

The 'Iravunk' newspaper wondered how many parties are registered in Armenia.

"It is well known that after elections, just like after rain, parties grow like mushrooms, or at least try to change the name of a discredited party to another. In response to the 'Iravunk' newspaper's question, the agency of the state register of legal entities of the Armenian Justice Ministry informed: "According to the unified state register of legal entities, as of June 13th 2016, 73 parties are registered in Armenia," the newspaper writes.
