EU thinks of ways to protect itself from Russia - with or without America

Vestnik Kavkaza, Express
EU thinks of ways to protect itself from Russia - with or without America

"Abandonment of Russia-EU collective cooperation mechanisms, such as summits, permanent partnership council and sectoral dialogues didn't make our continent safer. On the contrary, conflict potential in Europe number of problems and crises inside and outside the perimeter are visibly increasing," Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said at the Munich Security Conference yesterday. According to him, developments in the Middle East and North Africa showed that the course towards replacement of unwanted regimes and forced introduction of development models not only lead to chaos in the vast regions, but also imports real threats to Europe, including surge of international terrorism and huge waves of illegal migration.

Meanwhile, as German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel said in Munich, the European Union may begin gradual abolition of anti-Russian sanctions after deployment of the UN peacekeeping mission in Donbass. As Express writes in an article "Munich Security Conference: Germany REFUSES to spend 2 percent on Nato", Angela Merkel's deputy Sigmar Gabriel has revealed Germany REFUSES to achieve Natos defence spending target of 2 percent. He instead called for money to be spent on building a strong European defence union. Answering questions after his speech, he said: “I consider the figure difficult”. He said if Germany spent 2 percent of its GDP on Nato defence every year for ten years, it would spend more than €70 million every year. He added: "I'm not quite sure after ten years all European partners would consider that a good idea."

Germany has agreed to increase its defence spending, and part of that will go into the European defence fund, and he believes the EU defence capabilities will complement but not replace NATO. Saying it has "nothing to do with President Trump", he said it was unfair for America to shoulder the burden of NATO, and European, defence. He added in his speech: "As the only vegetarian we will have a damn hard time in the world of carnivores." He also said the EU also needs a military power option if it wants to survive in the world.  He used the speech as an opportunity to call on the US to work more closely with the European Union, saying a stable and prosperous Europe is also in US national interests, adding: "a cooperation with with Europe and US is important to maintain architecture of freedom." He hopes the US can work together with the EU and help "terminate" the North Korea nuclear program, and in the face of a growing threat from Russia and China. He continued: "We are seeking a close coordination with our American allies, our success will also depend on the way we deal with each other. "Powers like China or Russia try to test and to undermine the EU’s unity."

Late last month a senior US military official said if Germany didn't give 2 percent it will weaken the NATO alliance. Army secretary Mark Esper told reporters during a visit to troops in Wiesbaden, Germany: “It’s important for all of our NATO allies to live up to their commitments. “If not, it weakens the alliance, clearly, and Germany is such a critical member of NATO.” Sigmar's comments come after Jens Stoltenberg, NATO's secretary general, issued a warning shot during a stark address in Brussels this week. The Norwegian warned Brussels against overstepping its mark as the European bloc pursues plans for a joint EU army. The NATO chief told reporters that the EU will lose out if they try to undermine NATO by duplicating its role in the world. Speaking after a meeting of NATO defense ministers, Mr Stoltenberg said: "That will be the same as competiting with themselves.

Moscow is skeptical about remarks about Russian threat to the European Union. "In the 1990s there was an idea that Russia is an apprentice that should be methodically taught Western standards, regardless of objections. Now there's an irrational myth about the all-powerful Russian threat, traces of which are being sought everywhere - from Brexit to Catalan referendum. These stereotypes are deeply flawed and only show a lack of sanity and understanding of our country. The number of those who are uncomfortable due to this abnormal situation in our relations is growing in the EU. Experts openly acknowledge that the European Union is in a state of "diplomatic paralysis" due to demonstration of visibility of unity on the Russian track," Sergey Lavrov said.

He reminded that Russia didn't change its approaches to cooperation with the EU: "We want cohesive cooperation, which would be based on fundamental interests. the The EU member countries themselves should determine how to develop their economies and foreign economic relations. For example, how to meet their energy needs. They should proceed from pragmatic, commercial positions or under influence of political and ideological considerations. We proceed from the fact that the European Union can play an active, responsible and independent role in international relations."

Lavrov also reminded about an idea of large Eurasian project, within the framework of which the efforts of participants of integration structures such as the CIS, SCO, ASEAN can be combined: "I don't see any reason why the European Union couldn't get involved in this work. For example, it can begin with establishing professional contacts with the EEU. I hope this time is not too far off."