Political Balancing Act Of Baku

Eurasia Review
Political Balancing Act Of Baku

There is an opinion that the world community is not really interested in the situation in the South Caucasus, as well as in Azerbaijan. However, not only Azerbaijani, but also foreign political experts claim that the Azerbaijani role is increasing on the global stage. Currently, Azerbaijan is one of the main political centers. Eurasia Review reports in its article Political Balancing Act Of Baku that many experts agree that there is also a confrontation of interests between several major powers such as the US, Turkey, Russia and Iran. It’s estimated that China can join this quartet soon.

Many powers don’t conceal that they are interested in the withdrawal of Azerbaijan from the Non-Aligned Movement, as well as in its deprivation of neutrality and non-bloc status. Now Baku is balancing and conducting such domestic and foreign policy that is hard to be influenced. Azerbaijan chooses independently its partner countries and the scale of cooperation. The White House and the European Parliament are frankly not happy with this approach. They are trying to strengthen their impact on the South Caucasus and the Middle East.

Some institutions consider the change of Azerbaijani government to be one of the way to reach their goals.  The fact is they are highly interested in changing Azerbaijan’s domestic and foreign policy and it is generally known that they are ready for anything to achieve their goals and they won’t spare any money to support the opposition. Published by partisan media the information related to the persecution of journalists and prosecuting authorities, plays directly into the hands of the opposition and indirectly of the West. So the opposition has an opportunity to use methods applied in Georgia and Ukraine, e.g. appeals to the international community and the power of youth protests. The Youth is inspired by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) financed by the West. Some examples are the Integration of Azerbaijan Youth to Europe (AGAT), NATO International School of Azerbaijan (NISA), the US-Educated Azerbaijani Alumni Association, etc. Their activity is closely coordinated with American and European non-governmental organizations, and also with the US embassy in Baku. These organizations serve the interests of the Euroatlantic institutions rather than the Azerbaijani people.

It can be noted that on June 29 the Open Government Partnership (OGP) in Washington refused to change the Azerbaijani status from “non-active member” to full participant. According to OGP there are still many complications for the proper work of non-governmental organizations. Top government representatives continue accusing local NGOs, western donors and the social media of radicalizing youth. They obviously realize what are the consequences of the policy of all-permissiveness.
