Black Tuesday in Europe: terrorism is instrument of reconstruction of European society

By Vestnik Kavkaza
Black Tuesday in Europe: terrorism is instrument of reconstruction of European society

The government of Poland stated that it has rejected receiving migrants from the Middle East and African countries because of the terrorist attacks in the capital of Belgium. At the same time, passions over the Brussels terrorist attacks ran high in Ukraine. The head of the Security Service of Ukraine, Vasyl Hrytsak, whose statements on ‘a Russian trace’ in the explosions in Brussels caused indignation in Moscow, hinted that he had grounds for such statements, but he didn’t speak about any details. Hrytsak’s words seemed strange to the former prime minister of Ukraine, Mykola Azarov: “Receiving the official information from the Ukrainian officials, the Belgian investigators must request all data which the Ukrainian authorities have, which could prove the version. This was a very serious crime. What would Hrytsak tell them? Obviously, he will make several empty statements and confirm once again the irresponsibility of the leaders of the Kiev regime. If Belgium doesn’t question Hrytsak officially, it will show that the country doesn’t take into account statements by Ukrainian officials.”

Nevertheless, the awful crime is already being used for political purposes.

Sergey Grinyaev, director general of the Center for Strategic Assessments and Forecasts, thinks the terrorist attacks which took place in Brussels were a mistake by the European special services: “In recent years Europe used to live under the security umbrella of the United States and NATO. They have just relaxed to such an extent that they are not able to ensure the safety of their citizens. Europe is simply tied by its hands and feet, maybe so that Germany would love to pursue a more radical migration policy, but it cannot. It is well known that Germany cannot get its gold reserves from the banks of the US, UK and France.”

According to Grinyaev, “the situation in Germany during the New Year's holidays and the attacks that took place in France and Belgium show that the overall situation in Europe is shaken today. It is shaken for the purpose of provoking the mass of migrants, above all those who came from the Islamic countries, North Africa and the Middle East. Their number in Europe is coming now to a certain critical mass, which is already able to provide some, including, political power. I think a calculation has been made on this. And terrorist attacks are not a manifestation of some high philosophy of terrorism or of some extremist leaders of certain groups, and so on, these are tasks aimed at the interests of the global restructuring of Europe as one of the world centers of power. And terrorism is used as a tool.”