Commentary: "America's goal is regime change in Iran"

By Vestnik Kavkaza
Commentary: "America's goal is regime change in Iran"

The US independent information portal OpEdnews wrote that the US plans concerning China and Russia have not been successful. It took nearly two decades for Moscow and Beijing to understand that the ‘democratic’ organizations for the protection of  ‘human rights’ operating in their countries and funded by the US State Department, are in fact so-called ‘fifth columns’ of Washington, and the purpose of those organizations was to spread US hegemony.

The ‘color revolutions’ in Georgia and Ukraine were organized with the participation of these foundations and organizations. Due to the actions of these kinds of foreign NGOs, many Europeans believe that the Russian leadership is committed to rebuilding the Soviet Union, and that Europe is in serious danger coming from the Kremlin. The US authorities believe that Russia will destroy them, but in fact, the US is destroying itself from within.

With regard to China, the US was going  to involve NGOs in Hong Kong in protests by attracting the Chinese ruling class to independent US financial funds, hoping that the protests would spread all over China. However, these plans never came true. Both Russia and China have ultimately limited the activities of US NGOs in their countries.

This situation shows that the US should be humble and not arrogant. The US standard of living is acceptable for only one percent of the country's population, while the majority of the population lives at risk of poverty, and this can become a disaster for the United States within 20 years. Washington must finally realize that neither Russia nor China, nor Saddam Hussein, nor Gaddafi, nor Assad, nor Yemen, nor Pakistan, nor Somalia is more of a threat to the United States than the United States itself. The arrogance of the US leadership puts the world at threat of a new military conflict. If the EU had its own political will, it is likely that the European leadership would ban the countries which are in the eurozone from providing their territories for the US missile defense system, especially near the Russian border. However, despite this pressure, Russia and China manage to resist US hegemony and maintain stability and peace in their regions.

The US analytical magazine Commentary wrote what really stands behind the agreement on the Iranian nuclear program. From the rhetoric of US President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry we can assume that the deal between Iran and the six mediators has been concluded in order to prevent the creation of a nuclear bomb in another world state. But in fact, all the debates about the appropriateness of the agreement are only a diversion for the US Congress and the public from the real motives of the Obama administration.

In an interview with The Atlantic, in March 2014, Barack Obama said that no nuclear agreement could be compared with the impact of regime change in Iran. The fact is that the President of the United States hopes that after the sanctions are lifted Iran will join the international community, being on the side of the United States. And perhaps this will lead to regime change in the country. But it is hardly possible that the US can affect the Iranian leadership so that it will lose vigilance against America. The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran has said that Iran is not going to support the US in the fight against ISIS, but will assist other countries to counter terrorism. Thus, it is obvious that the Iranian political course will not be changed – even if the agreement is adopted by the US Congress and the EU, the leadership of the Islamic Republic will not allow Washington to interfere in its internal affairs.
