Crimea in modern geopolitics - five years of 'Crimean spring'

By Vestnik Kavkaza
Crimea in modern geopolitics - five years of 'Crimean spring'

Five years ago, on March 21, 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the Agreement on the Accession of the Republic of Crimea in the Russian Federation following the results of a nationwide referendum: 96.77% of the peninsula voters chose to join Russia. The agreement on the accession of Crimea and Sevastopol to the Russian Federation was signed on March 18, 2014 and ratified by the Federal Assembly on March 21.

At the Russian Foreign Ministry's conference, dedicated to the 'Crimean Spring' anniversary, member of the Federation Council Igor Morozov noted that "Crimea always gave passionate spirit to our people - both during the wars with Turkey and during the Great Patriotic War. This passionate spirit of Crimeans, which is transferred to all Russian people, made the so-called 'Crimean spring' possible for us in 2014. Now, it is a stable term, which, if translate it into the Gumilyov language, is the passionate spirit of our Russian people."

According to Igor Morozov, it was time when true colors were shown: "The Americans had nothing else to hide. They considered that we gave them a reason, so a strategy of prompt global strike was announced at the first Welsh NATO summit. What was secret information (Americans prepared their missile defense system, including in outer space) it was made public back then. It gave an understanding that we should move forward as well. Crimeans, you gave us that opportunity, you united the whole society around the leader, around the president! We united all those having patriotic attitudes."

"In the future, it was easy for the President, the Federation Council to decide on the participation of our Armed Forces in the Syrian campaign. The President addressed the UN General Assembly with words: "If you don’t unite, then we will be alone in fighting international terrorism." Syria's battle ground gave us the opportunity to test all types of weapons, including new physical principles weapons. We again started to enter the geopolitical orbit as a global player. Putin became the real global leader after Crimea, during the Syrian campaign. We were told that Russia would be blocked, that it was already isolated, that its economy was torn to shreds. But in fact, all the Persian Gulf monarchies were visiting Putin and negotiating with him on the issues that worried them, including economic ones," Morozov said.

Meanwhile, first deputy chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Foreign Affairs Vladimir Dzhabarov told about his experience of being an election observer five years ago: "The March 16th was a day of uncertain weather in Yalta: rain, snow, sun, and strong wind. But I saw huge queues at polling stations, they were mostly young people. This voter category usually comes later, but then they queued up in the morning to cast their vote to return to Russia." In addition, Dzhabarov was really impressed with a 96-year-old woman with a walker who explained why she came to the polling station: "I have been waiting for this day since 1954. 60 years. And thank God, I am here and I can cast my vote."

"Now when I hear statements of European leaders, NATO representatives that the referendum in Crimea was undemocratic, was held in violation of the rules, it surprises me. I have documentaries from all polling stations. Those days I did not see armed people in Yalta at all, except for one policeman," Dzhabarov assured. According to him, the fact that Crimea and Sevastopol "returned home" is the greatest achievement of our country in the postwar period, because this is the case when Russia did not lose territory after the end of World War II, but returned its historical part."