Diaspora and image of Moscow inhabitant

By Vestnik Kavkaza
Diaspora and image of Moscow inhabitant

A panel discussion titled 'We have one Motherland, we are Muscovites', which was held yesterday in Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, was aimed at consolidating and advancing the practical experience of the Moscow diaspora in strengthening interethnic cooperation in Russia's capital and forming the image of an inhabitant of Moscow.

"A panel discussion brought together our long-standing partners, joint panel conferences with which have always been very successful. I mean Vestnik Kavkaza, our constant and invariable partner, in this case it was represented by a number of great experts, as well as partners from Vesti FM. Second, the Department of Ethnic Policy and Inter-regional Relations, which made this event possible, because it is carried out in the framework of project dubbed 'the information and analytical website 'Friendship of the Peoples. The palette of Moscow's diaspora, compatriots, autonomies, national cultural public organizations' with the support of the Moscow government. Then, the Federal Georgian National-Cultural Autonomy in Russia. Having united seemingly separated organizations, the historical faculty achieved the maximum result as always, combining scientific knowledge, expert views of practitioners and theorists implementing national policy and the Moscow National Policy Strategy up to 2025. These are state and public figures who specifically perform these purposes," the Deputy Dean, Academic Secretary of the history department of Moscow State University, head of the Diaspora History Laboratory, Associate Professor of the Department of History of the near abroad, Chairman of the NGO 'Belarusians of Moscow', candidate of historical sciences Oksana Solopova said, speaking with Vestnik Kavkaza.

"When a panel discussion lasts almost four hours, by the end of the meeting the number of people attending a meeting usually declines compared with its start. And the fact that the situation is completely different in this case, the fact that all those who started, finished the event, say that the topic is extremely important. Having focused on the image of an inhabitant of Moscow, the invited experts and specialists have gone beyond this concept. They discussed main problems of development of interethnic relations in Moscow; media that cover interethnic relations; interaction of national and state associations; problems of science and scientists which interact, analyze and collect information on interethnic relations. We also discussed relations within national associations, as well as migration issues. This topic has become a catalyst for the most important areas of today's life, which  gives substance to the concept of "national policy". Based on the results of today's meeting, a decision was made to publish panel materials and develop practical recommendations. The speeches made by people who are directly related to this topic are important and meaningful to them - for practitioners, for theorists, for all those who bear personal state responsibility for peace and prosperity in Russia and in Moscow. "

The rector of the humanitarian institute of the Commonwealth countries, the chairman of the All-Russian Congress of Ethno Journalists, the chairman of the Commission on Information Policy of the Council for Nationalities under the Government of Moscow, Jamil Sadykhbekov, told Vestnik Kavkaza that an open dialogue between scientists and national public associations was held at the conference. "There are a lot of disputes about a defenition of Muscovite. I think that more experts, more people, more national associations, compatriots should be involved in this topic. That is, I think we need to expand the number of participants of this conference. I lead the club of the Baku people, and we are comfortable in Moscow, because our principle of a citizen has never been tied to nationality. And today it is more comfortable than it was ten years ago. This is connected both with the economic situation and the political situation, the leaders of national associations, opinion leaders, as they are called now, have grown a bit stronger, the structure of the organization has changed. The environment has also changed, although the information environment still needs to be improved."

"We proposed the project 'Open dialogue of national communities', where any national association, any community can openly express its problems. There are many challenges now, as well as many risks in connection with both migration policy and national policy. Our actions here should be very systematical. There should be a public dialogue. Then the problems can be brought to the state structures. I suggested building a communication vertical: the Department for National Policy, the Council for Nationalities Affairs, national associations and the media," Jamil Sadikhbekov said.

He was supported by an expert of Vestnik Kavkaza Artyom Sokolov: "The media can and should influence the strengthening of interethnic relations, in particular, through the coverage of sports events, victories of athletes of different nationalities. Sport is one of those sites that can provide a tool for rapprochement, so that people - regardless of their religious beliefs and ethnicity - could communicate, erasing boundaries and prejudices. The media today have great potential and a very great opportunity to influence people, in particular through the Internet. Modern youth spend a lot of time online, and if you do not use the experience in this area, then the very consequences can be sad. The media have such a 'pill', and its prescription will determine whether a society will be poisoned or cured. Obviously, it is necessary to consolidate the efforts of both the media, authorities, and national cultural autonomies. It is only through dialogue that we will succeed. "

President of the All-Russian Public Organization Georgian Federal National and Cultural Autonomy in Russia, Giorgi Tsurtsumiya, told Vestnik Kavkaza: "MSU is the country's main university, and the recommendations developed here are necessary not only for Muscovites and Russia, but for the whole world. For those speeches made here, it is possible to work out a certain roadmap for solving some global problems - problems of diaspora, ethnic problems, extremism problems in global terms, including terrorism. In diaspora organizations we outline specific problems and voice them. When it is known exactly what's happening, it is easy for a government and a parliament of any country to adopt laws solving existing problems on the basis of this data. The problem of refugees, as well as the problem of resettlement is very acute. Another important problem is education and upbringing. Russia should set an example of how these problems can be solved at the global level. One of the sites where these problems should be covered, reworked practically and presented to Muscovites, Russia and the whole world, was organized in this historic place, Moscow State University".
