LUKOIL develops infrastructure of Caspian Sea fields

LUKOIL develops infrastructure of Caspian Sea fields

LUKOIL continues to develop infrastructure of its fields in the north part of Caspian Sea. In early April, company completed construction of the seventh well at the second production platform of the Vladimir Filanovsky field. In 2018, 6.1 million tons of oil was produced at the field, while cumulative production amounted to 11.5 million tons.

According to the company, in the framework of the third stage of field's development, it's preparing for sea transportation of block conductor (mini-platform) for its subsequent installation in the Caspian Sea.

A third production well will be commissioned at the block-conductor of the Yuri Korchagin field. The depth of this well is at 4.7 thousand meters, while its' horizontal section length is 2.4 thousand meters. Right now this section has 27 producing and 6 injection wells. In 2018, 0.81 million tons of oil and condensate were produced at the field, and 8.8 million tons of liquid hydrocarbons have been produced since the start of development.

Commercial oil production at the Rakushechnoye field is scheduled for 2023, annual production level is estimated at 1.2 million tons of oil.

LUKOIL is a pioneer in development of the Russian sector of the Caspian Sea. Thanks to the company's efforts in this region, 10 fields with total initial recoverable reserves of about 7 billion barrels of oil were discovered.

The Vladimir Filanovsky field is the largest oil field in Russian sector of the Caspian seabed. Commissioned in 2016, its production reached 6 million tons of oil per year in 2018. This field is being developed in three stages.

The Yuri Korchagin field is the first field launched by LUKOIL in the Caspian Sea. It was commissioned in 2010. Its development is carried out in two stages.

Rakushechnoe field is LUKOIL's third project in the Caspian Sea. Its development began in the fall of 2018.

LUKOIL's fields in the north part of Caspian Sea have unified infrastructure for preparation and transportation of products. All offshore facilities are built in Russian shipyards.
