Left Foot Forward: "Excessive attention paid to Russia by the European Community is a distraction fr

By Vestnik Kavkaza
Left Foot Forward: "Excessive attention paid to Russia by the European Community is a distraction fr

British media resource Left Foot Forward writes today that the excessive attention paid to Russia by the European Community is a distraction from domestic problems. The ambitious plans of the EU to expand its influence beyond Poland, Romania and the Black Sea respectively, have failed. However, an attempt at ideological influence on the Eastern borders failed, and the political balance within the community itself has deteriorated. Accusing Russia of violating international law, Europe has forgotten about its own problems.

The welfare of the population is falling, and the EU continues to define a strategy for the "Russian expansionism" Unfortunately, this criticism of the neighboring state of Europe will not be able to prevent a looming budget deficit. The discontent of citizens of the European Community is growing, but the leadership of Europe does not have enough resources, either in natural or financial, in order to close the cracks.

Instead of looking for new opportunities, the EU has found an enemy in Russia in order to switch public attention from internal problems to external threats, which is actually not helping. The effectiveness of such a policy is highly questionable, so if the government of Europe in the near future will not change its foreign and internal course, a serious split awaits the community.

Independent media portal OPEDnews writes today about the antipathy of Saudi Arabia and Israel to Iran, and whether this is the only reason for their rapprochement. The news that Saudi Arabia and Israel, states that have never been close associates or allies, negotiate and organize meetings, shocked the world. But is the friendship between the two countries really surprising?

The thing is that both sides, as US partners in recent times, do not have the influence on the American leadership that they had a year ago. Obama's decision to follow a policy of rapprochement with Iran was not supported by either Riyadh or Tel Aviv, but their opinion seems not to be important to the politicians in Washington. The response to such actions by the United States became an alliance of the two Middle Eastern countries, which united against Iran and the USA itself.

In fact, the political courses of both countries are very similar, Israel and Saudi Arabia claim leadership in the Middle East, and to do that they need to get rid of rivals, primarily from Iran and then the US. In fact, the threat from Iran is not fundamental to the union of the two countries, but it is rather a pretext to gradually expand their influence not only in Yemen but also in other countries in the region, including Iran.

However, in spite of the ambitious plans of Israel and Saudi Arabia, Iran is still the most powerful state in the Middle East. And in the case of lifting the sanctions against Tehran, the alignment of forces on the world political scene could change dramatically.

The independent analytical publication Open Democracy writes about the future of Turkey. After last Sunday's parliamentary elections in the country it became obvious that the process of political transformation will not be easy. The Peoples' Democratic Party (NPD), which supports the Kurds, will now be part of the new Turkish parliament. In general, all the parties that received enough votes represent a fair picture of Turkish society, representing the interests of all segments of the population.

However, there is a possibility that a coalition government won’t be formed. In this case, there is the possibility of new elections. But none of the parties supports such an option, as it is likely that the new result will not differ from the previous one. In any case, the image of Turkey is changing and how it will be will depend on the initiative of the new political forces.
