The Daily Caller: Until international community does not learn to distinguish truth from fiction, it will be very difficult to solve Karabakh problem

By Vestnik Kavkaza
The Daily Caller: Until international community does not learn to distinguish truth from fiction, it will be very difficult to solve Karabakh problem

The US independent publication OpEdnews writes about whether Russia will be able to survive the attack of Washington. Not only the American generals, who claim that Moscow is "a direct threat to the US security’’, are to blame in fueling the conflict with Russia, but also the Baltic states, Poland, Ukraine and the whole Europe, blindly following America's policy. However, in reality, not Russia, but the neoconservative Washington can cause actual war due to its desire for the world hegemony. For over 15 years the American leadership is implementing its policy in many of the ongoing wars in the Middle East and Africa. But despite the fact that Western media are doing everything possible in order to divert attention from the American leadership’s actions, the facts remain the facts.

For example, the Western accusations of the Russian aggression against Georgia are groundless, since Moscow's actions were a response to the invasion of the  Georgian puppet leadership, reporting to Washington, to the territory of South Ossetia. Moreover, there was no Russian invasion on the territory of Ukraine. The population of  Crimea decided itself to become a part of the Russian Federation once again, and the authenticity of the results of the referendum on the peninsula were confirmed by many independent observers.

The former NAOT’s General Shirreff believes that the Russian attack on the Baltic countries is quite possible, however, there is no reason for this. The former Soviet republics do not pose any threat to the Kremlin, and exactly Russia granted them independence some time ago. However, nurturing imperial plans, Washington is seeking to introduce a considerable policy of the Russian leadership in a bad light. Russia did not attack anyone, other than a terrorist organization ISIS. The Western media have repeatedly stated that the US is also fighting against terrorism, but actually  Washington uses ISIS to overthrow the Syrian leadership.

The entire Western propaganda machine is kept for one reason: for the profit of the corporations. Today Russia is the only country in the world that opposes the US hegemonic plans. The vast majority of armed conflicts in the world occur due to the actions of the West, which due to its greed and insatiable lust for power decides the fate of millions of people.


The US publication The Daily Caller writes about how the unreliable coverage of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict has led to a deterioration of the relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan. A meeting of the presidents of the two republics was held on May 16th for the first time after the military escalation in April. The next talks are scheduled for June in order to "resume negotiations for a comprehensive settlement." However, a comprehensive settlement is unlikely to be achieved, if the conflict is distorted, misunderstood or simply ignored. As, unfortunately, in most wars, there are parties who have their own interests that control the flow of information to the world community. In this case the fact of the illegal military occupation and ethnic cleansing by Armenia against Azerbaijan are not voiced in the Western press.

The American and European media reports that the reason for the Karabakh conflict is a religious differences. The propagandists deliberately say that it is a conflict between the Christian Armenia and Muslim Azerbaijan, despite the fact that the latter is a multi-confessional state, inhabited by the representatives of different religions living in peace. However, a lack of reliable information, as well as growing Islamophobia has led to an increase in aggression of the United States and Europe  towards Baku.

Azerbaijan, in its turn, is a secular state and acknowledged worldwide as a country with a successful model of multicultural interaction. Moreover, Baku, along with Washington and other allies, has many years of experience in the fight against terrorism and extremism. About 30 thousand  of the Armenian Christians live peacefully in Baku and there are  about 500 thousand Christians of different confessions and Jews, who live together with a Muslim majority throughout the country.

Another part of a disinformation is that Nagorno-Karabakh’s self-defense forces  protect the region rather than the Armenian army. However, in 2015 the ECtHR made a statement  that "the Republic of Armenia is much involved in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict through its military presence and provision of the military equipment and  experience." That is, in fact, it is not surprising that the information is presented in a completely distorted way without the academic and historical context or significant knowledge of the region and surrounding areas. Until the international community does not learn to distinguish truth from fiction, it will be very difficult to solve the Nagorno-Karabakh problem.