The Diplomat: "Russia and China's strengthening heralds a return to a multi-polar political structure"

By Vestnik Kavkaza
The Diplomat: "Russia and China's strengthening heralds a return to a multi-polar political structure"

The international publication The Diplomat writes about the ways Russia and China oppose unilateralism in world politics. In 1990 Charles Krauthammer declared that the center of the world power is the United States, calling the country the ‘only superpower.’ However, the theory of international relations, particularly neorealism, proves that the unbalanced force of a unipolar international system has always stimulated the emergence of new great powers and the restoration of multi-polarity in the world.

Many analysts say the US’s unipolarity is now coming to an end. The global financial crisis of 2008 revealed the cracks in the economy of the American hegemony, especially against the background of a number of developing countries. In addition, America is also showing signs of ‘war fatigue’ after 10 years of active military campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq, as evidenced by the low-key intervention in the conflict in the Middle East and the transition mainly to the war against terrorism. There has been a long-awaited return of two other world leaders – Russia and China – on the world political arena, which can become competitors to the US.

Over the past 10 years Russia has repeatedly demonstrated its willingness to use diplomacy toward the United States, NATO and the EU, while remaining on equal footing with the leading states. Despite the rapprochement between Moscow and Washington, the incompatibility of the positions of the two states initially indicated that the cooperation would be short-lived. Russia is actively pursuing a foreign policy of assistance to its longtime partners, Iran and Syria, which, in turn, weakens the US position in the Middle East. Even despite the anti-Russian sanctions, the Kremlin is able to construct a foreign policy in such a way that Russia's prestige as a superpower is strengthened more and more.

China, like Russia, also poses a threat to the US hegemonic plans. Despite the expectant management in foreign policy, China's military modernization is moving forward at a very rapid pace, and cooperation with Russia strengthens the influence of the two countries in the Asia-Pacific region, opposing the USA.

As was predicted by observers at the end of the Cold War, the unipolar international system represented by the United States could not survive for long. The strengthening of the positions of Russia and China in the past 10 years heralds a return to the multipolar political system, which is necessary for the balance of power in the world.


The international news agency Reuters writes about the intensification of relations between Russia and Iran. The decision by the Russian side on the supply of S-300 rocket systems to Iran a year ago was the first clear indication of the growing partnership between Russia and Iran, it also changed the course of the civil war in Syria and strengthened the influence of the two powers in the region. Further strengthening of the strategic alliance between Russia and Iran is inevitable – moreover, this puts US influence in the Middle East into question.

There are also military and economic dimensions to such a union, which is beneficial for both sides. Despite the ideological differences between the partners, Iran and Russia manage to create a powerful geopolitical alliance, complementing each other militarily. Diplomatically, joint operations have allowed Moscow and Tehran to occupy a central place in the building of the regional security architecture.

Negotiations are being conducted on a number of joint projects on oil and gas imports; in addition, Russia is ready to start to allocate a loan of $5 billion to Iran to finance infrastructure projects. Despite the threat of a deterioration of relations with the US, Iran and Russia continue to develop their relations, which is an extremely important aspect of strengthening the roles of both countries in the world.