Turkish drone Akıncı test-flies with heavy ammo

Daily Sabah
Turkish drone Akıncı test-flies with heavy ammo

Türkiye’s cutting-edge unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV) Akıncı has completed a test flight loaded with all weapon stations, according to the manufacturer company on late Monday. Baykar, which developed the drone shared a video on the company’s official Twitter account, showing the Akıncı B loaded with nine stations, conducting the flight, Daily Sabah writes.

The combat drone, which is able to conduct flights with several ammunitions, bears domestically-developed ammunitions Teber-82 and mini munition MAM-T, together with mini munitions MAM-L and MAM-C on a multiple launcher station and the HGK-82 on the medium weapon station. The drone has previously test-fired with the Teber-82 guidance kit, developed by defense giant, Roketsan.

MAM is a laser-guided system produced also by Roketsan for armed drones, light attack aircraft and fighter aircraft.

MAM-C is the high explosive variant while MAM-L is the thermobaric one. The biggest of the weapons, MAM-T, is the long-range variant.

The HGK-82 is a precision guidance kit developed by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TÜBITAK)’s Defense Industries Research and Development Institute (SAGE).

During the latest test flight, it carried three Teber-82s, one HGK-82, two MAM-Ls, a MAM-C and a MAM-T, weighing 1,230 kilograms (2,711.69 pounds) in total.

Meanwhile, works on new weapon integrations are also continuing regarding the Akıncı.