Vacation for Russians: expectations and reality

By Vestnik Kavkaza
 Vacation for Russians: expectations and reality

The director general of the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM), Valery Fedorov revealed where Russians want to spend their vacation.

"The main destination of the aspirations and intentions for the vacation is Crimea, 37% of the polled this year Russians said that if they had a choice and possibility, they would have enjoyed rest in Crimea, last year this share was the same. In 2016, almost the same - 36%. Sudden changes in preferences occurred between 2014 and 2016. The accession of Crimea increased the number of those wishing to rest there from 8 to 27%. For the last three years, Crimea has not lost its dream status - more than every third respondent wants to rest there," Fedorov said.

The Black Sea resorts of the Caucasus are on the second place in the list of the ideal vacation destinations. "About 12-13 years ago, when we started to ask such a question, these places were the top destinations with a level of 31-32%, then we recorded a gradual decline, a minimum was fixed in 2013. Then the Sochi Olympics, a large-scale reconstruction of the pearl of our Black Sea coast gave the effect not only in terms of sports but also in terms of recreation. The share of people wishing to relax on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus started to grow in 2014. In 2013, there were 13% of those wishing to rest there, in 2014-19%, in 2015 - 23%, in 2017 - 31%, now -33%. The growth continues, but there is a huge gap from Crimea, which remains on the first place,’’  the sociologist said.

Recent years, VTsIOM records a decline in the popularity of vacation abroad. "In 2013, every third respondent would like to rest abroad the former Soviet Union, this share fell to 27% in 2014, and now it has fallen even more, to 21%. About two to five percent considers an ideal holiday in the Baltics," Fedorov added.

According to his information, about 9% prefer to spend a vacation at home or at dachas.
