What do the Caucasian peoples say about their Motherland

By Vestnik Kavkaza
What do the Caucasian peoples say about their Motherland

Among all human qualities, wisdom has always and among all peoples especially stood out, the one that was the bearer of the national tradition, and a fair trial, and fatherly advice and the most desperate act, and the most verified decision. Today we open a new conversation about the Caucasus, in which we will talk about proverbs and sayings, folk sayings that have entered our lives and have become a precious legacy of the wisdom of our ancestors.

In the Caucasus, special reverence and love for such a concept as the Motherland. What do the folk sayings and proverbs of the Caucasus say when it comes to the Motherland, the place that is especially valuable and important for everyone living on Earth?

“Homeland is more valuable than gold” - this is how they say and perceive the importance of this concept in the Caucasus. This attitude is understood in the Caucasus more than literally. This is probably not without reason. In the history of the peoples of the Caucasus, there were many examples when, not of their own free will, but under duress and under the threat of destruction, entire peoples left the lands that had belonged to them and their ancestors from time immemorial. But by all means, years later, they still returned, rebuilding houses and multiplying herds.

Balkarians and Karachais say: "The land where you fed is good, but there is no better one where you were born", "You will not be lost on your own land, you will not rejoice outside your land." Indeed, it is difficult to argue, because in these words lies both the bitterness and suffering of peoples who have undergone resettlement, endured hardships and hardships, but did not break down and did not give up, returned to their homeland, to the land that warms, satiates and gives peace.

The Tabasaran proverb speaks deeply and philosophically comprehensively about the Motherland: "The Motherland is the past, present and future of the people." Any people will perceive their homeland as people living on this land, united by culture, language, land on which the graves of ancestors and the nursery of future generations.

In Ossetia, folk wisdom has uttered a completely understandable explanation: "Those who do not live in their homeland do not know the taste of life." Indeed, with what joy we return home from a long trip and look in a new way and become more attentive to smells and tastes - to everything that surrounds us, realizing in an instant that there are no trifles in the Motherland, everything is here and valuable, and important, and significant.

Abkhazians say that "a person who loses his homeland loses everything," the Abaza people are sure that "a person's ability to love begins precisely with love for the homeland." A Nogai proverb says that "it is better to be a poor man in your homeland than a king in Cairo." One cannot but agree with all the proverbs, because each of them speaks in the simple language of the people, testifying only to one thing - the Motherland is sacred. The Circassian people say this: everyone has only one Motherland, like one mother.

Folk wisdom knows no boundaries; it is not taught in universities. Folk wisdom is a treasury, sacredly preserved and revered, which has taken in its well-aimed and clear style all the beauty of the people, their joy and their sadness, contained in one word - Motherland.
