Vladimir Krugly: “I miss those wonderful times, that genuine friendship between our republics”

Interview by Vladimir Nesterov. Exclusively for Vestnik Kavkaza
Vladimir Krugly: “I miss those wonderful times, that genuine friendship between our republics”

Tribuna’s guest is Vladimir Krugly, a member of the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy, the senator from the Orlovskiy Region. He discusses with Vladimir Nesterov problems of healthcare in Russia.

- There is a lot of talk now about the issue of revision of the status on the territory affected by the Chernobyl disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Is this problem relevant for the Orlovsky Region?

- The Orlovsky Region is among the regions that are most affected by the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. In accordance with previously-existing legislation, this year the status of a number of regions should be reviewed. And some amendments to the existing law on the so-called soft list were initiated. The population didn’t consider it as a positive moment. The state has obligations to these territories affected by the Chernobyl disaster, and not all of them have been completed. Not all were completed in the sense that not everything wad built as planned, hospitals, for example, educational institutions, these territories did not develop as they could have developed if it were not for this disaster. 

And most importantly, there is no reliable information on the situation in these regions. These researches of soil, water and so on, are conducted by Ministry of Emergency Situations agency, and they are quite informative. Therefore, public organizations insist on a revision of the list of settlements, on the basis of more objective information on the situation of soil pollution, the environmental situation in these regions.

Amendments were made in order to make the abolition of these Chernobyl privileges softer in five years and on the basis of another, more thorough analysis of the environmental situation in these regions. Now the amendments are submitted to the State Duma, and we hope that they will be adopted.

- The action 'Orel – for the children of Crimea' was carried out in late May. What were the results of it?

- There are serious problems in Crimea, including problems with the clinical examination of the child population, because there is a shortage of specialists, pediatricians, especially in remote areas of Crimea. The Orel Children's Hospital has a mobile diagnostic center for children. It is a unique unit because it was created in the framework of modernization of healthcare in 2012-2013 at order of Orel Children's Hospital. Such offsite clinics don't exist anywhere else. Two KAMAZ with trailers, and there are seven diagnostic modules, which are equipped with the most modern equipment for the children. That means it is a great dental unit, it is a very good diagnostic module, which has a device for ultrasound diagnostics, laboratory diagnostics, functional diagnostics, an ENT workplaces, a cardiologist workplace, a gynaecologist workplace. It is precisely these professionals that are in the biggest demand during the clinical examination of children. And this mobile clinic, plus doctors, 20 doctors, have left for the Republic of Crimea, in order to conduct medical examinations of the children population. 

We were in two cities, Feodosia and Kerch. When these modules were developed, people just stood in line at 6 am in order to see the doctors. First of all, of course, we examined orphans, but also others. More than a thousand children were examined. 

The most frequent pathology that was found was dental. The ophthalmologist found out a lot of pathologies, the ENT doctor identified a lot of pathologies, and the cardiologist, because of a lack of appropriate equipment, a lack of experience of pediatricians. In general, all of it was pretty effective. Let's see, maybe we will continue this practice.

- Are you going to visit other regions?

- Now we are negotiating in order to come to Chechen Republic. We have previously talked with the chief physician of the Republican Children's Hospital of the Chechen Republic. He said that yes, indeed, there is a big problem with the conducting of the clinical examination of children, especially in remote areas. What is the advantage of this clinic? That it can go to any place. There, besides a 220-volt socket, nothing else is needed. It is completely autonomous. For a whole year they travel around areas of the Orlovsky region, there is a corresponding plan, and they carry out medical examinations, doctors are checking using the most modern diagnostic equipment. In addition, there is a possibility of remote consultation. There is the internet, and in real time you can consult with any specialist, in our Orel hospital, in Moscow, in general, with any clinic. Usually our specialist, chief doctor of this clinic, is leaving for a few days to discuss the precise routes, where we will have easy access, which contingents will be examined and so on. This action is charitable, the region does not pay anything to doctors, the Orel Children's Hospital covers all the expenses. But the doctors are very enthusiastic, well. And we will not limit ourselves to some one-time action, and we can create some educational program,  and such a sharing of this experience is mutually enriching and interesting for professionals.

- What is the most interesting in the Orlovsky Region? What can a tourist visit in your region?

- Certainly, our country is huge and beautiful. When I started working in the Federation Council, I made a lot of trips around the country, more than usual because of the nature of my work. I realize with huge pleasure and surprise how beautiful our regions are. Why are people travelling to Turkey, Egypt, if we have Sochi, Yalta and Crimea?  The Orlovsky region is a unique place for tourism. It is an unofficial literary capital of Russia. Certainly, our region is famous for its authors. We have the wonderful writer Nikolai Leskov. He said that no one Russian region has brought up so many great writers as the Orlovsky region. The quote is not exact, but close to the text. I can't help mentioning Turgenev. He is a master of the Russian language. I advise everyone to reread Turgenev. Not because of some special content, but Turgenev’s style in the 'Hunter’s Notes' is just lovely. It reflects all the depth, breadth, the whole of the Russian language. Our State Museum-Reserve Spasskoye Lutovinovo is a unique place. The conditions of Turgenev's country estate have been recreated. Of course, everyone should visit it. I think that every Russian, any Russian person who loves his native Russian language, the nature of the moderate climate zone. There is such an energy in the Spassky Lutovinovo reserve, when you come out of there you feel a rush of energy for a long time. There are the Bunin Museum and the Leskov Museum which is located close to our children's hospital. 

- Have you ever been to the Caucasus? 

- I've been in the Caucasus, but it was a very long time ago. About in the late 70s. In 1979 I travelled there for the first time as member of a motorcycle tourist group. We travelled all over Russia and spent a lot of time in the Caucasus, visited Chechnya, Dagestan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia.

We were in Gori, Yerevan, Tbilisi and Baku. We drove through all the republics. And people expressed such a friendly attitude towards us. The most friendly attitude was in Grozny. It is impossible to forget. A woman came to me and told me: "My son is in the army ... Are you from Orel? My son is serving there, and we are worried for him. How is he?" It was a night in the hayloft, we had some wine and some very tasty food. 

They had the kindest attitude towards us in Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, we were invited to weddings. We can remember those wonderful times, that genuine friendship among our republics.

Now I spent a short period of time there. We were in Grozny. I was impressed by its beauty: these skyscrapers, and at the same time, such cleanliness, order, a friendly attitude. Certainly, it makes an impression. I want to travel and learn more. Certainly, now tourist routes are worked out and a lot of money is invested in tourism. We have very interesting regions, I will definitely visit them.
