Armenian militants continue to dig trenches in Karabakh

Maria Novoselova / Vestnik Kavkaza

According to the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan, Armenian militants located in the temporary deployment zone of the Russian peacekeepers in the Karabakh economic region of Azerbaijan again tried to create firing points opposite the positions of the Azerbaijani army from approximately 10 am to 4 pm Moscow time.

Thus, since the beginning of June, the Armenian illegal armed formations in Karabakh have been trying to dig trenches and build military structures almost daily, thus preparing for hostilities. Today, their activity, disguised as plowing fields, was done in the direction of Fizuli and Lachin.

According to the Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense, the Azerbaijani military, as in previous days, prevented this confrontational activity of Armenian militants.

Besides, today, the Azerbaijani Armed Forces' posts near the village of Demirchidam in the Kalbajar district were fired from the the territory of Armenia. The fire was suppressed by retaliatory strikes.

© Photo :Maria Novoselova / Vestnik Kavkaza