44 Azerbaijani citizens return to native Lachin

44 Azerbaijani citizens return to native Lachin

Another group of former internally displaced persons returned to Lachin today: 13 families out of 44 people returned to their native lands.

Residents who returned to Lachin could not hold back tears of joy on this significant day. They were met in a solemn atmosphere and congratulated on their return to their native land.

The residents of Lachin were told that all the necessary conditions for life have been created in the city, the houses have been restored in accordance with modern standards while preserving the historical architectural style.

The families who returned to Lachin were settled in the houses where they once lived and which were restored or reconstructed.

The return of former internally displaced persons to Lachin continues, which was restored and reconstructed in accordance with the instructions of President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.
