Foreign tours ticket prices up 30% for Russians in six months

Foreign tours ticket prices up 30% for Russians in six months

Since the beginning of 2023, tours abroad for Russians have risen in price by 30%. This was told in the Association of Tour Operators of Russia.

"Foreign tours have already increased in price by 30% since the beginning of the year, the fall of the ruble will accelerate this process",

 ATOR Vice-President Artur Muradyan said.

According to him, the Russians will feel the effect of the next growth of the dollar and the euro in the nearest future. Muradyan stressed that tours to countries that were very popular among Russian travelers would rise in price. These are Egypt, Türkiye and the UAE, he added.

"In Thailand, it is also quite possible to feel it, but there, at least, the transportation price will still not grow indefinitely, but the hotels are not very expensive there",

the representative of ATOR said.
