Scandalous Quran arsonist plans new campaign

Vera Romashkina/Vestnik Kavkaza

Swedish police have given Salwan Momika permission to carry out a new campaign to burn the Muslim Holy Book.

"Salwan Momika, who has been behind several Quran burnings in Sweden in the last few weeks, has now been given permission to hold a so-called 'mass meeting' in Malmö once again",

Swedish radio Sveriges Radio said.

Momika is a native of Iraq, who is notorious for his regular actions of desecration of the Quran, including burning the Book on the day of Eid al-Adha in the summer of 2023, which caused international condemnation. The Iraqi authorities are demanding the extradition of the arsonist. The request has been sent to Stockholm.

© Photo :Vera Romashkina/Vestnik Kavkaza