Uzbek peanuts to compete with supplies from China and USA in market

Maria Novoselova/Vestnik Kavkaza

Scientists from Uzbekistan have developed a peanut variety, which is characterized by high yield.

Uzbek peanuts received the name "Leader". They will be able to produce up to 6.5 tons of yield per 1 hectare, despite the fact that on average this crop gives less than 2 t/ha.

It took 17 years to develop a competitive variety. A new type of peanut was developed by Professor of the Department of Horticulture and Viticulture of the Tashkent State Agrarian University, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Mahfurat Amanova.

The Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic is confident that local peanuts will be able to successfully compete in the market with the best varieties from the USA, China, and India.

China is currently the main exporter of groundnuts in the world.

© Photo :Maria Novoselova/Vestnik Kavkaza