BRICS welcomes five new countries

BRICS welcomes five new countries

© Photo: BRICS website

BRICS has expanded: it now includes 10 countries. Among new member-states are Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Ethiopia.

Five states joined BRICS. The expansion of BRICS took place on January 1, the first day of Russia's chairmanship in the association.

The association was created in 2006. By 2023, it included Brazil, the Russian Federation, India, China and South Africa. In 2024, the association, which was originally named after the first letters of the member countries, officially became larger. Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Ethiopia joined it.

The first summit of the participating countries in an expanded format is planned to be held in October, in Kazan.

This year, Venezuela may become a full member of BRICS+; the country's President Nicolás Maduro expressed hope that this will happen at the autumn summit in Russia.

According to the Russian leader, about three dozen states would like to join BRICS.
