New city welcomes residents in Chechnya

New city welcomes residents in Chechnya

© Photo: Maria Novoselova/Vestnik Kavkaza

A city called Oyskhara has opened its doors to new residents. It is planned that the city will become a platform for business development.

A new city was built in Chechnya, the head of the republic announced. A city called Oyskhara has already opened its doors to new residents.

“The new city united Verkhne-Noyberskoye, Nizhne-Noyberskoye and Oyskharskoye rural settlements. The republic’s authorities are confident that urban status can attract new investors and businesses to the area,”

– the head of Chechnya said.

It is known that the city united three rural settlements. It is planned that in the future, thanks to the new status, investments will come to the city and manufacturing facilities will appear.
