Egg producers’ conspiracy: three companies face fines in Stavropol region

Egg producers’ conspiracy: three companies face fines in Stavropol region

© Photo: Elizaveta Perelygina/Vestnik Kavkaza

Stavropol antimonopoly officials have identified signs of collusion among companies producing chicken eggs. Criminal cases have been initiated against three manufacturers.

Three Stavropol egg producers entered into a collusion, the Federal Antimonopoly Service in the region found out.

The department's attention was drawn to the Alliance poultry complex and the Grachevskaya and Kumskaya poultry farms. The companies simultaneously raised prices for chicken eggs.

In particular, last fall and in December, their weighted average wholesale cost for this important product increased by 59-108%.

If the conspiracy is confirmed, the violators will have to pay fines.
