Russia and Iran increase mutual tourist flow

Maria Novoselova/"Vestnik Kavkaza"

The Russian capital was visited by the first group of Iranian tourists who arrived after the cancellation of visas.

The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation plans that the flow of travelers between the two countries this year will reach 40 thousand.

According to ministry representative Nikita Kondratyev, tourism operators have already begun introducing joint products for travelers.

"We've already seen the first results. The main destinations that are currently of interest to Iranian tourists are Moscow and St. Petersburg. We expect that by the end of 2024, the mutual tourist flow with Iran within the framework of the group visa-free mechanism will amount to about 40 thousand tourists",

Nikita Kondratyev said.

The ministry said that the first group of tourists of 86 people arrived in the capital at the beginning of the week. Two more groups will arrive within a week. Over 130 travelers from Iran should visit the Russian capital in seven days.

An extensive program of iconic Moscow places has been prepared for Iranian tourists.

It was previously noted that the last year's flow of tourists from Iran was greater than in the pre-pandemic period.

© Photo :Maria Novoselova/"Vestnik Kavkaza"