Turkish President does not rule out additional steps to ensure peace in Syria

the Turkish presidential website

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Ankara is actively working to find a political solution to the tensions in Syria and has taken concrete steps to prevent bloodshed. 

"It is possible to take additional steps that will serve peace and tranquility. Preserving Syria's territorial integrity and national unity is also a priority for Türkiye," Erdogan said.

He emphasized Turkey's desire to see Syria as democratic, prosperous, and strong, rather than one plagued by instability and dominated by terrorist organizations.

"More than anyone else, we desire for Syria to become a safe and secure place for the millions forced to leave their homes," Erdogan said.

The Turkish president stressed that the sooner such an environment is created, the better it will be for everyone, particularly the Syrian people.

"We have no eye on anyone's land, nor do we have any eye on anyone's sovereignty," Erdogan said.


© Photo :the Turkish presidential website