Additional trains to be launched from Tbilisi to Batumi

Anastasia Tesemnikova/Vestnik Kavkaza

An additional train from Tbilisi to Batumi and back will run on weekends in the second half of August and on the first day of September, the Georgian Railway reported.

The trips are being introduced due to the large number of people wishing to get to the Black Sea resort on August 24-25, August 31 and September 1.

The train will depart from the capital of Georgia at half past twelve at night local time (23:30 Moscow time). It arrives in Batumi at 05:38 (04:38 Moscow time). The return train will depart at 00:40 (23:40 Moscow time), and it will arrive in Tbilisi at 05:41 (04:41 Moscow time).

Thus, the travel time is about five hours.

© Photo :Anastasia Tesemnikova/Vestnik Kavkaza