"Georgian Dream": "United National Movement" to face catastrophe

Maria Novoselova/Vestnik Kavkaza

The Georgian opposition party "United National Movement" has no future after the victory of the "Georgian Dream" in the elections in October, the ruling party deputy Beka Odisharia stated.

"The collective "National Movement" will face an impending catastrophe. They know that, this political force will be completely destroyed on October 26, since Georgian voters are ready to choose between war and peace",

Beka Odisharia said.

By "collective National Movement", the deputy meant both the UNM party itself and the entities created by its former members and Saakashvili's associates. Among them are the Federalists, European Georgia, Droa, Akhali and others.

Earlier, the Georgian Dream made a statement that if they win the parliamentary elections in October, they will declare the UNM an unconstitutional entity. According to them, this will improve the country's political system.

© Photo :Maria Novoselova/Vestnik Kavkaza