Azerbaijani Central Election Commission on elections to Milli Majlis

Azerbaijani Central Election Commission on elections to Milli Majlis

The elections to the parliament of Azerbaijan will be held with the participation of 600 international observers. All citizens, regardless of nationality, will be able to vote in the elections, the elections will be held throughout the country, the head of the Central Election Commission said on the eve of the elections.

Today, a press conference is being held in Azerbaijan ahead of the upcoming parliamentary elections, the Vestnik Kavkaza correspondent reports. Chairman of the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mazahir Panahov spoke about how the historic elections to the Milli Majlis will be held.

According to him, the number of voters in Azerbaijan is 6,421,960. 374 voters will celebrate their 18th birthday on election day, September 1.

The oldest voter 1 is Tamam Ali Gizi Azizova, born in 1890. The long-liver registered at polling station #38 of Lankaran rural electoral district #78. The oldest male voter is 109 years old.

There are 6,478 polling stations open in the country, 6,343 of which are permanent and 135 are temporary. Panahov emphasized that there is no difference between permanent and temporary stations in terms of observation.

"Registered observers can conduct observation at all polling stations without permanent or temporary division. To do so, it is only necessary to comply with the internal regulations,”

– Panahov said.

112,749 local observers have been registered for the upcoming elections. Nearly half of them, over 65,000, are observers from political parties, the head of the Central Election Commission of Azerbaijan said.

There are 990 candidates participating in the elections, 305 of whom are representatives of 25 political parties. 371 candidates are from political parties but were not nominated by them.

"A total of 676 candidates belong to political parties,”

– Panahov said.

In connection with the elections to the Milli Majlis in Azerbaijan, 598 international observers have been registered, the CEC Chairman informed. They represent 51 institutions and 69 countries, including 227 observers from the OSCE/ODIHR and 61 observers from the OSCE PA.

"Numerous parliamentary delegations will observe the elections. The chairmen of 8 election commissions were invited by us,”

– Panahov said.

This year, 51,141 citizens of Azerbaijan will vote in the parliamentary elections for the first time. In the liberated territories, 42,000 people will take part in the elections, everyone will be able to vote, regardless of nationality. All conditions have been created for citizens of Azerbaijan who have the right to vote.

"It does not matter what nationality the person is. Anyone who presents an identity card can vote. We have created conditions for all our citizens who have the right to vote,”

– Panakhov underlined.

The head of the Central Election Commission drew attention to the fact that a significant number of the IDPs will vote tomorrow not in Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur, but at 7 polling stations in Baku and a number of other settlements, since the process of their return to their native lands is far from complete. Mazahir Panakhov emphasized that, despite almost four years of the most active construction work in the liberated territories, the majority of the 700,000 people still cannot return to the Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur economic regions, as they are destroyed and contaminated with mines. At the same time, 54 polling stations will open their doors in the liberated territories, where they could be organized. The number of polling stations for displaced persons, is 574, and the number of displaced voters is 397,862. Over 42,000 voters will vote in the liberated territories.
